How can I become a member?

Dear future Partner,

Who is entitled to be a member of the platform?

  • natural gas traders, including limited trading licensees,
  • users (acting in its own right) directly connected to the transmission pipeline,
  • natural gas producers,
  • transmission system operators,
  • natural gas storage licensees,
  • natural gas distributors,
  • foreign-based transmission system operators directly connected to the cooperating natural gas system.

If you intend to become a member of the trading platform operated by our Company, i.e. FGSZ Trading Platform Ltd., the following prerequisites shall be met:

  • System usage and service contracts shall be concluded with FGSZ Ltd. You may find a detailed guide here.
  • In the next step, service and clearing membership contracts shall be concluded with the central counterparty, namely the KELER CCP Ltd.
    More information about the clearing membership: here.
    Form contracts: here.
  • ​Finally, the membership agreement shall be concluded with FGSZ Trading Platform Ltd. that you can download from the following link: Membership Agreement.

In case, your Company has already concluded the 'Contract on Balancing Natural Gas Settlement and the Use of Balancing Services for Network Users not being Members to Trading Platform(s)'  with FGSZ Ltd. and intends to become a member of the trading platform, once the contractual conditions are met, the use of service is possible exclusively from the first gas day of the gas month following to the contracting in accordance with to the contract to be concluded with the operator of the trading platform.