Dear Partners,
According to (3) paragraph of the European Commission's Implementing Regulation No 1348/2014 the energy market participants should report to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators ('the Agency') on a regular basis details of wholesale energy contracts in relation to the supply and the transportation of natural gas. Based on the art. 6, paragraph (1) of the Regulation the organised market place where the wholesale energy product was executed or the order was placed shall at the request of the market participant offer a data reporting agreement.
Hereby we offer to you that in case of your request the Trading Platform, as organised market place will report to the Agency the data of the wholesale energy contracts or orders placed on the platform. The reports will be sent through the KELER Ltd. as Registered Reporting Mechanism (RRM) based on the REMIT reporting contract between the FGSZ Trading Platform Ltd. and KELER Ltd.
In case you would like to perform your REMIT reporting obligation referring to the products traded on the Trading Platform you are kindly asked to send your request to the
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e-mail address. After receiving your request you will be provided with the REMIT reporting
agreement (HU-EN bilingual)